Monday, February 11, 2013

Too Young for Technology???

In this day and age, does it make sense to argue that preschoolers, kindergarteners and first graders are too young for technology? This is definitely something I used to think. However, now that I have become more confident in my own technological abilities and have explored many of the great resources that are available to young children, I have to say, I think my mind has changed. It's really quite amazing at the amount of programs and resources that have become accessible to young children and their families. Something else that also ccontinues to prove my previous notions and sentiments wrong is watching my 4 year old nephew use an iPad with greater ease than some adults! 

While I think I still encounter aaccesssibility issues in terms of enough computers/ipads for individual student use, it is still great to have some go to resources for those breif opportunitites and for eager parents as well. Starfall is a GREAT resource to have on hand for both parents and teachers. It's a resource that caters to those early readers. Visit both the web and  app version of this wonderful resource :)

1 comment:

  1. I also use starfall, but with the iPads remember that this site won't display in Safari. Instead, download the free app Rover which is an educational browser with flash. I used this site every day at the beginning of the year before transferring to RAZ kids instead, where they can apply those skills. But I did go back to Starfall recently when we began nonfiction.
